Digital Identity

Digital identity management

Your users complain about the multiplication of passwords ? Your administrators complain about having to manage continuing losses and a too complex rights management system ? Our Web SSO (Single Sign-On) solutions allow you to counter these problems while guaranteeing the respect of the users privacy.

Your group must be able to interconnect with the state administrative services or your partners services ? The identity federation protocols that we use enable the interconnection of the identity management systems of multiple groups.

The digital identity management comprises authentication, access control, digital trust, and identity data repositories management technologies. We master each of these and we provide related products and services. Our solutions are used in several large scale projects and enable the implementation of a complete identity management and federation system, whether for a company or an administration.

We also devote an important part of our efforts to research and development works.

Realisations and R&D

Entr'ouvert is at the core of a number of important projects on identity management. Entr'ouvert works with the Mon Service Public platform (by interconnecting the services of the Adeline project of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations). We have also developed a captive portal for the identity federation of higher education and research. We have also helped Cisco in the integration of the SAML 2.0 technology in its appliances as well as the Gendarmerie Nationale.

Entr'ouvert has participated in the ANR FederID and FUI FC² projects by providing its expertise. Entr'ouvert has also played a central role in the RoleID project, consult our R&D page to know more.